Real Estate
Most Sites / Facilities / Buildings have a complex back-end operations in order to efficiently manage them. Find out how our solutions with modern architecture take the challenges head on.
Resonant’s 3i-BEMS (Building and Energy Management Solution) is a building automation solution providing you tools to take control and optimally manage your building. It centrally monitors, captures and reports Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of the building equipment and operations. Our Smart Technology (On-Premise or Cloud Solution) provides full equipment control (automation) to optimize energy and manpower costs
Key Features
Asset Condition Monitoring
Significantly reduce the man-hours spent in manual inspection and data recording of critical assets like Chillers, AHU’s Motors / Pumps etc. This module helps in digitally capturing all critical asset parameters, provide real time alarms and notifications to avoid unplanned breakdown and downtime.
HVAC Control
Reduce your space conditioning / air-conditioning costs up to 22% through our automated HVAC Control Solution which provides different control options for different types of air-conditioning. Our control spectrum ranges from Chillers, AHUs, VRV-VRF, Package AC’s, Cassette and Split types of air-conditioning.